Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Diabetes- another opportunity for Faith and also for Hand Modeling

Last week was one of the more challenging weeks of the pregnancy so far.  The first trimester had some lows- but since then I've had a very enjoyable pregnancy.

Last Monday when I called the doctor's office to see how my results came back for the glucose testing, they put me on hold.  On hold as I was praying, I felt Karate Baby kicking around in there, and it reminded me that this test wasn't to check on her awesome levels-- she's going to be awesome and there's no test that will prove otherwise.  Her awesome levels wouldn't even be able to be measurable.  So I tried to keep this in perspective when they told me that I failed two out of four of the tests for gestational diabetes.  The good news is they said my levels weren't too bad and I can probably control it through nutrition and exercise and may not have to use insulin.  The bad news was that I would have to prick my finger four times a day, and read pamphlets that have the word 'high risk pregnancy' and 'worst case scenario- still birth' and 'baby may be too large to deliver'.  All phrases that would eventually lead me to tears on one occasion.  The day I got the results, I immediately found my friend Trisha who had had gestational diabetes during her pregnancy.  "It's going to be alright, right?" I asked her in tears.  "Yes!" She assured me.  

When I called the nurse/educator that I am working with to figure out what all of this meant for us, I immediately was reassured.  As usual, in times of despair in my life, God sent me someone with a sense of humor.  "Is the worst part pricking my finger?" I asked her.  "You're having a girl, right?"  She asked. "Probably." I said.  "No, the worst part is when she turns 11."  When I met with her in her office, she ran through all the information, which basically turns out to be a lot of food tracking, and zero Cadbury eggs--not even the mini kind.  Then she got to the scariest part-- where I have to think about and look at blood!! The blood sugar testing.  Danny squeezed my leg under the table as she showed me the 'lancets'- a nice way of saying needle.  And the 'strips'- a nice way of saying 'blood sponges'.  He was thinking in that moment that if there was any person on the Earth that should not be doing this it's me-- I'm a wuss about blood. I dont even like to think about it being contained in our bodies,  let alone forcing a drop out of myself four times a day.  But it's going on week two now and I think I can actually handle it.  Isn't that amazing? 

Also, in most cases, women with gestational diabetes no longer have it all once the baby is born.  And the baby will not be born with it either.  So I am planning on eating the best chocolate cake ever in celebration of her birth.  Hopefully grandma Angela will bring me some.  And I mean, literally, as soon as she is out.  Maybe as she's crowning.

The whole thing is still weird.  But luckily every time I've tested myself, my levels are well within normal.  So I'm taking this as another opportunity to have faith-- that all will turn out perfectly in the end.  And I'm accepting the invitation to hope-- that I won't need to take insulin, but just keep eating 6 small meals a day and continue to excercise as I have already been doing.

I am supposed to dispose of my 'medical waste' (the needles and blood sponges) in a very specific way.  that was part of the informational packet I was given.  I am supposed to properly identify as such.  Luckily my office gave us plastic coffee mugs, and I've been using mine as pictured below:

Also, at first I was concerned that all of this finger pricking would hurt my career in hand modeling.  However, as others have pointed out, it's just another opportunity-- to hand model for diabetes testers:

And finally, when I was waiting to meet the nurse to discuss diabetes, I noticed a diabetes pamphlet that had Gina from Martin on it.  And when the nurse was showing me how to work my blood testing monitor, she told me that it's the same model that one of the Jonas brothers used.  So I was inspired to research celebrities who have been down this same finger pricking path:

Of course we all know this dude from the commercials I always mute:

whoever this guy is...he kinda looks like a tool, but I guess we're friends now that we're in the same club..

I believe the following two were mentioned or shown in one of my favorite movies Stepbrothers...

  Selma had the gestational kind like me! And she must be okay because she's doing Burger King commercials now.

Also, I won't go into details over the public blog, but toward the end of the week I had to visit the ER for a painful cyst.  This week is looking promising though.  I have faith it will get even better.

*hand modeling phototography by Camerin Courtney

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